Friday 23 January 2015

How to achieve an A*/ A/ B

1. Be critical -  rework the designs, retake photos, use photo manipulation.
2. Show your development of your work.
 Accompany screenshots + images with comments
3. Frequent posts! Sometimes short and snappy is better than an extended essay.
4. Use a broad range of media.
 Prezi, goanimate, slideshare, youtube, mobile video interviews + production shots.

Friday 9 January 2015

Google Mock Up

This is the google mock-up that I am going to base my magazine on. As I am doing an RnB/HipHop magazine, I have chosen colours that suit the genre such as black, white and red, as these colours are typically associated to the genre because they are not to bright and colourful.

Thursday 8 January 2015

My Price

  • find out price
  • find out whether its monthly or weekly
  • find out how many pages

  • £3.99
  • Monthly
  • 138 pages

  • £3.95
  • Monthly
  • 114 pages

  • £4.95
  • Monthly
  • 130 pages

The cost of my magazine will be £3.99, as the people who answered my questionnaire suggested this as a reasonable price that they would pay for a monthly magazine.
I think this is a good price as it is not too expensive that people wouldn't buy it, but also not under priced for a monthly magazine.