Wednesday 13 May 2015

Interview Questions

Magazine interview questions

Hi, it’s great to see you, how’s your day been?
It’s great to see you too, and I’m exhausted I’ve been awake since 5 o’clock. It’s been a busy day (laughs)

I can imagine, you have so much going on in your life right now, how do you cope?
It can get difficult, but I just remember how lucky I am and I wouldn’t change it for the world. My fans keep me going.

Speaking of fans, you’ve recently reached 30,000 followers on Twitter, is that correct?
OMG YES! I couldn’t believe it I was so shocked. I can’t believe I have so many people supporting me and my career. Seriously, the journey has been AMAZING.

So let’s start from the beginning. How old were you when you realised your passion for music?
Well, I was about 6 years old, and my
parents got me this toy karaoke machine for Christmas, and I loved it so much. I literally used it every single day until about July! I was seriously obsessed. I would walk around the house singing to my parents and my brother and sister, and just make up songs for them.

So how did that develop into something more serious?
When I was about 9, my dad surprised my with a guitar, and a week later I started guitar lessons, and I took these until I was 19. I practised every single day trying to develop my skill as much as I could. I’d play in local cafes or at little events at school. Just any time I could really.

Did you have any celebrity inspirations when you were younger?
To be honest…not really. I mean there were people who I liked, but not a particular inspiration. I would just practice trying to sound like any of the people I listened to. It was honestly just about trying to build up my skills in as many ways as possible.

So you recently released your first album, where do you get the inspiration from when writing the songs?
I honestly don’t know how to answer that. I’ve been asked this so many times, and the simple answer is I honestly don’t know (laughs).

Last question, where do you see yourself
in the future?
Again, I’m not really sure. I just like to live in the moment, I never like to plan for the future because you find that you hope for something, and when it doesn’t happen, you’re disappointed, so I just live each day to the full. If I find that for, whatever reason, in the near future I find myself making a career change then so be it, but until then I don’t know. All I can say is that, for right now, I’m happy with the way things are and I don’t want things to change.

Well thankyou for your time, it’s been great speaking you!

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